January 12 2024

Association with the Seaqual initiative

Seaqual initiative is a unique collaborative community fighting plastic pollution.

Worldwide, there are a growing number of ocean clean-ups working hard to retrieve marine litter from our oceans, beaches, rivers and estuaries.

Ocean clean-ups can be anything from small groups of local volunteers, all the way through to large international programs. They can be one-off beach clean-ups or involve whole communities of fishermen retrieving waste on a regular basis. These ocean clean-ups collect all types of waste; plastics, metals, glass, rubber, and mixed material items – everything from shoes to refrigerators!

Because mixed waste is expensive to recycle, in the past much of this waste was destined to landfill or incineration. SEAQUAL INITIATIVE is dedicated to giving a second life to this material. At they don’t look for materials to recycle, they recycle the materials they find.

Marine litter from our beaches, found on the ocean, or entering our oceans via rivers and estuaries is collected by clean-up programs. It is then sorted into different material types. The plastic portion is cleaned and transformed into SEAQUAL® MARINE PLASTIC at SEAQUAL INITIATIVE approved facilities. It is then returned to the industry to be transformed into beautiful, new, sustainable products, and this is where ACL Impex comes in.

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